Blog Tour! Just Haven’t Met You Yet by Sophie Cousens #JustHaventMetYouYet

Welcome to my stop on the blog tour today! I’m thrilled to share a wonderful Q&A with author Sophie Cousens!!

Just Haven’t Met You Yet


Sophie Cousens

Tell me the story of how you two met…

Laura has built a career out of interviewing people about their epic real life love stories.

When she picks up the wrong suitcase at the airport, Laura wonders if this could be the start of something that’s written in the stars.

From piano sheet-music to a battered copy of her favourite book, Laura finds in the bag evidence of everything she could hope for in a partner.

If Laura’s job has taught her anything it’s that when it comes to love, you can’t let opportunity pass you by. Now Laura is determined to track down the owner of the suitcase, and her own happy ending.

But what if fate has other ideas?

q&a .


Can you tell us a little more about yourself and your path to publication?

I worked as a a TV producer for twelve years, working on shows such as The Graham Norton Show, Big Brother and Ant and Dec. I always wanted to write though, and often had some kind of work in progress on the go. I finished various manuscripts that never saw the light of day and had an ebook published in 2015, but it wasn’t until last year when This Time Next Year came out that my writing career really took off. 

Since then it has been a real rollercoaster, with This Time Next Year selling into 17 territories and hitting the New York Times Bestseller list – eek! 


What are three of your favourite books?

 Recently, I’d say Writers and Lovers by Lily King, Last One at the Party by Bethany Clift and an a rom com I’ve particularly enjoyed recently was holly Mccullochs The Mix Up. 

Do you have any writing rituals?

After the school run and my morning cup of (strong) coffee, I usually try to sit down and to write at least 1,000 words a day, just getting words on paper is really important when you are writing a first draft. Lately that’s been quite tricky though as sometimes you just haven’t quite cracked a character, or a scene so it takes some mulling time. In the summer holidays I also have two noisy children downstairs whose squabbles about “who had the pink bear first” can easily break my creative flow – ha ha! 

If you could have written any other book what would it be?

Ooh Last One at the Party by Bethany Clift. It’s just a book that defies genre for me and has stuck in my head ever since I read it. In rom com world I love Kirsty Greenwood’s books and wish I had written  He Will Be Mine, it’s so so funny. 


Do you have any advice for budding authors?

 Try to write often, not necessarily every day, but set yourself a weekly word target, however small. Consistency is the key. Even if you only write 200 words a week, if you keep doing it, eventually, you will have a book! 

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

 A pantser! I wish I was a plotter it would make my life a lot easier, but sadly a story doesn’t come to me until I’m half way through writing it. I also find it more fun to write this way – I don’t know what the book is about until I’ve finished writing it! 

In three words can you describe Just Haven’t Met You Yet?

Escapist. Romantic. Fun. 

To purchase a copy of this book, you can follow the links below:


Amazon UK

About Sophie Cousens

Sophie Cousens started her career in television, where she produced, among other things, The Graham Norton Show, Big Brother, Ant and Dec and Russell Howard’s Good News. Working in TV taught her three things;
1 – Wearing a lanyard makes you look as though you know what you are doing.
2 -The best phrase you can contribute in meetings is “let’s action that!”If you say it often enough, hopefully someone else will do your work for you.
3 – If in doubt, find someone wearing a lanyard – they’ll know what to do.

Sophie currently lives in Jersey where she now writes full time. She lives with her husband Tim and has two small children who keep her occupied with important questions such as ‘but did Cinderella have a toothbrush?’ and ‘do giraffe’s know they have really long necks?’ She yearns for a time when she will be able to add a miniature dachshund to the party.

Follow the bloggers on the #JustHaven’tMetYouYet blog tour!

With thanks to Sophie, Rachel and the publisher for my content and blog tour invite!

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